Order of Events

There are cases that a single network action fires multiple events, and sometimes it may be important to know the exact order. The following table summarizes the order of events. Here, self refers to the client that performs the operation, and others refers to other clients in the room.


Self and Others represent separate clients, so due to network latency, these columns should be read separately to determine order.





Set room properties

1. RoomSetNotified

2. RoomSet

Deleting the room

1. RoomDeleteNotified

2. RoomDeleted

3. Callback of the DeleteRoom method

Joining the room

1. RoomJoinNotified

2. RoomJoined

3. Callback of the JoinRoom method

Leaving the room

1. RoomLeaveNotified

2. RoomLeft

3. MatchRoomKickNotified (if kicked)

4. Callback of the LeaveRoom method

5. Callback of the KickMember method

Creating a room

1. RoomCreated

2. Callback of the CreateRoom method

Set room member properties

1. RoomSetMemberNotified

2. Callback of the SetRoomMember method

All of the events listed here (except those written as callback) are accessible through StrixNetwork.instance.roomSession.roomClient.

For example:

StrixNetwork.instance.roomSession.roomClient.RoomSet += roomSetArgs => {
    // ...